Our Governance

SIS is unique in that it is not owned or managed by an individual owner or company. It is truly a non-profit school owned by the parent community. This means that all tuition collected is reinvested into your child’s education. Any profits are used for development and improvements to our facilities and programs. The Foundation Yayasan Surabaya International School is registered with the Indonesian government and follows the Indonesian three-tiered system of governance.
The school has three tiers of management:

Board of Supervisors

Supervises and advises the BOP in relation to the operating of the foundation. Attends monthly meetings with the BOP but as non-voting member.

Phillip Lutterodt
Phillip Lutterodt
Fera Knoll
Fera Knoll
Joonho Byun
Joonho (Jason) Byun

Board of Patrons

Is comprised of parents.Sets school policy, approves annual budget, works on strategic goals, and planning and hires the Head of School. Meets monthly with members of the Board of Management, Board of Supervisors, and school administration.

(Left to right) 
Euibum Hong
Meg Agunod
Saba Qamar
Deka Belbouab
Anthony Handojo
Clint Shoemake
Clint Shoemake
Ivan Bernardi
Ivan Bernardi

Board of Management

Comprised of school administration and business manager. Responsible for the day to day operation of the school and, as such, reports to the BOP.

(Left to Right) Josh Bishop, Maya Moerid, Febri Pratiwi, Teguh Purnawi.