
Tech Mastery Unleashed: Exploring Student Creativity Through Diverse Technology Projects

Fifth Graders’ Tech Odyssey: From Videos to Scratch Animations

The fifth graders have been using a variety of technology tools to demonstrate their creativity and ideas. In the first semester they created videos, presentations, comics, websites, and other projects using technology. During this second semester, they applied what they learned about coding using Scratch to create a simple animation about forces.  They also learned to work in groups for their Scratch project. Here is a sample animation project that the students created to explain the concept of gravity: 

Fourth Graders’ Tech Marvels: Coding, Energy Transformations, and Scratch Animation

The fourth graders demonstrated creative thinking, constructed knowledge, and developed projects using technology.  In the second semester, the fourth graders showed their enthusiasm and excitement in learning coding and creating simple Scratch projects. For the current UOI on How the World Works, the fourth graders are learning about energy. They used online resources to learn more about energy transformations and made diagrams to show examples of these transformations. In groups they created a short animation using Scratch to teach others about energy. Here are some of their projects: and 

The second and third graders are busy learning about states of matter for the Transdisciplinary Theme on How the World Works. They accessed online resources for individual learning and for gathering information about the properties of matter. They then used a digital tool, Google Slides, as a platform where they could keep all the relevant information for their topic.  They are currently creating a book about properties of matter using Book Creator

Expressing Through Technology Projects

Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 have been demonstrating creative thinking by producing digital media projects in correlation with the PYP TD Theme How We Express Ourselves. The kindergarteners and grade one students are learning about stories as a form of expression. They used the Imagine Forest website to learn about story elements such as characters and settings. Using online resources, students in kindergarten and grade one created silly stories and watched or read stories in Tumblebooks. Later on they will create their own superhero story in Book Creator