Middle School Art

The Middle School Art classes have been busy.  Grades 7 and 8A completed art classes at the end of the first semester.  Artists learned a variety of skills and techniques while experimenting with multiple mediums.  Their artwork will be showcased in our annual Middle School art show on May 10th. Grades 6 and 8B started their art classes during the first week of January.  

In collaboration with the math and foreign language department grade 6 artists are learning about Argentina’s people and culture.  In art class we are in the beginning stages of producing an artwork inspired by Argentine painter, writer, and sculptor, Xul Solar.  He has a unique style of art that was influenced by Wassily Kandinsky and Marc Chagall. Be sure to check the bulletin boards outside of the art room in a couple weeks to see their finished products.  Their artwork will be also be featured in our secondary Festival of Nations expo on Friday, February 15th.


Grade 8 artists are learning how art helps us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures.  They are in the beginning stages of creating a visual identity collage. The collage will engage the viewer and help the viewer understand the artist’s life, culture, and personality.  Artists worked on a background color that would help create the mood of their artwork before beginning the collage process.

HS Bahasa Indonesia

For our Norms and Customs in Indonesia unit, Grades 11 and 12 Advanced Bahasa Indonesia students explored the customary patterns or expected behaviors in Indonesian society.  Norms such as talking politely to older people, giving up seats for those who need it, and using the right hands to interact with others were all norms explored in this unit.

The class was divided into groups of five. Each group made Bahasa Indonesia skits about what situations could arise should people not follow various norms. The norms highlighted through this unit included Religious Norms, Decency Norms, Politeness Norms and Legal Norms.

Apart from the skits, students also discussed and debated about the norms in questions. This created lively and exciting conversations in class. Students were engaged and enthusiastic to express their opinions in Bahasa Indonesia as the topic is closely related to their daily lives.

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