Middle School Bahasa Indonesia

Ms. Dita

I’m excited to welcome our grade 6 students as new additions to Middle School! We’ve completed the first unit on the benefits of plants for human and animal life.  Students read several texts to determine the main idea of ​​the reading. In  our new unit,  class will discuss animals that benefit humans, either for consumption or animals that help humans work. Students will also be invited to ‘take a walk’ to ASEAN countries and get to know animals that are symbols of each country.

At the end of this unit, students are expected to be able to tell stories about the lessons they have learned about human and animal interactions in essay form.

This week our grade 8 students enter the second unit which discusses advertisements, slogans and posters. We start by distinguishing them in terms of language elements. We will identify advertising text, slogans, and posters from a variety of sources. As a summary project, students are invited to present ideas, messages, and invitations in the form of advertisements, slogans, or posters. This topic always makes me excited because I will see the creativity of students in expressing their ideas!

Ms. Pipit

In Semester 1, Grade 6 students start to learn advanced Bahasa through reading fable books. They read them to learn new intermediate/advanced words, to pronounce them correctly, to get familiar with complex sentence structures and to acquire basic grammar. They take a turn reading the fable aloud. From each page of the book, students are expected to write a one-sentence summary. This short summary must contain the selected words from the page discussed. By the end of this semester, students will have expanded vocabulary so they will be ready to learn more challenging lessons in Grade 7.

Grade 7 Beginner Bahasa class is learning about body parts and the various descriptive words for them. They expand their vocabulary from singing songs and translating the lyrics from Bahasa into English. Students retain new words more successfully with creative repetitions and memorable learning experiences. 

Grade 8 students learn Bahasa expressions and terminologies used in everyday economic activities. They identify terms and expressions used when doing transactions, reading product packaging, creating instructions and writing interesting, persuasive texts. In the photo provided, the student is reading his strategies to promote an original product and explaining how to use and store it. Students enjoy creating unique expressions and slogans to promote their original ideas. 

HS Theatre Arts

Ms. Leadbetter: Grade 11/12 Theatre Arts

At  Surabaya Intercultural School, we continue to teach our students via the online platform. Despite, the challenges that arise with this style of teaching, the Senior Theatre Arts group have embraced the subject positively and have been enthusiastically learning about the theatre form, Documentary Drama in their first unit. This is a performance, which can be based upon a chosen social issue, or a historical event. The purpose of Documentary Drama is to both educate and to entertain a given audience. The performances should aim to contain multiple stories and ideas on the given social topic or historical event and should be viewed from different perspectives.

The Senior Theatre students have individually chosen a topic, inclusive of: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, World War II, The French Revolution, Viruses, Racism, Juvenile Delinquency, Bullying and The Effects of Video Games on Children. Each student has researched their topic, which will then form the stimulus for a variety of theatrical performances; ranging from performance poetry and the use of song lyrics with accompanying images, to the writing of monologues and scripts. The exciting part of theatre is not only to see the final performance, but to also experience the journey itself. It has been a pleasure working with the students on this exciting style of theatre, thus far in the term.


Discover more about ASEAN countries at ASEAN Website.
For an immersive theatrical experience, explore Documentary Drama.

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