STEAM Festival Adventures

In Kindergarten we are enjoying our how we express ourselves unit of inquiry.  This is a wonderful unit in which we explore how artists express themselves in different ways and learn about the variety of tools, resources and styles artists use.  The Festival of STEAM was a fantastic part of this unit as the students decided it would be fun and creative to paint in different ways using motion.

In collaboration with some middle school students, they decided on 3 different activities.  The most exciting activity was painting a wall by throwing paint balloons. Although we only used pink, blue and yellow paint the students noticed how the colours mixed to make many more. insert photos 1 (the child throwing a paint balloon) and 2  (the children reaching up to the wall)

Diverse Perspectives on Art: Changing Definitions

At the beginning of the unit, when asked whether they considered themselves artists, the students said ‘No!’ When I asked them to explain why they are not artists they said that artists ‘have shops and can paint well’.  It is wonderful to see that through the inquiry in this unit that they all now realise that they are all artists! The students’ definition of art has also broadened dramatically. Initially they also thought that just paintings and drawings were art. 

They are now realizing that there are so many different art forms. They have been researching many types of art and the tools needed. They particularly loved learning about glass blowing art and sand carving competitions! Now when we walk around the school building they are noticing art everywhere and pointing out a variety of art-forms like sculptures, flower arrangements and batik.  

Currently each student is bringing in a piece of art, from home, for show and tell.  We are enjoying this activity immensely! After talking about the piece of art the other students have a chance to comment and ask questions.  Finally, there is a writer’s workshop activity in which the students can draw/colour the piece of art they have just seen and write about it. So far we have had two wonderful pieces of art – a decorative boomerang and a miniature food/cooking station.  (insert photos 3 and 4) 

Explore more about artistic expression through fun activities on Art for Kids Hub

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