Chaos. Frustration. Annoyance. “This is too hard.” These were just some of the thoughts that went through my 5th Graders’ heads as they completed their mini-science fair experiments and Rube Goldberg Machines for our Unit of Inquiry on Forces. But when the students presented their 
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Dive into Grade 8's hands-on experiment showcasing Newton's laws. Witness their engaging presentations as they creatively demonstrate principles, fostering deep understanding through interactive learning experiences.
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Discover art fundamentals in Middle School, exploring elements, principles, and Pop Art. In High School IT, delve into Python and Java programming, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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Learn to recognize and celebrate your child's successes during challenging times. Discover how they are building self-advocacy, resilience, and positive outlooks. Reach out for more support and ideas.
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Embark on a creative journey in art class, where students explore expression, states of matter, energy sources, and visual texture. Witness young artists flourish through diverse artistic endeavors in this captivating art class chronicle
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MS Civics: Ibu Wahyu The MS Civics classes study a variety of topics. Grade 6 is now focusing on learning about unity and integrity in the life of the nation and state. Students will know about the meaning and importance of unity and integrity. Students 
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Explore the transformative power of project-based learning as Angela Duckworth's insights unfold. Discover how SIS navigates virtual learning, offering students collaborative and authentic growth opportunities with a focus on project-based learning.
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Embark on a journey of tech-savvy creativity as students explore videos, coding, and animations. From Scratch projects to Google Slides and Book Creator, witness the magic of technology projects shaping young minds.
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MS PE: Pak Purno and Pak Parno Our middle school Physical Education and Swimming classes remain online. While learning at home is not easy we are pleased that our students are remaining active and healthy. We appreciate our students’ enthusiasm for participating in their sports. 
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Our elementary PE classes are still going strong. This classes typically provide opportunities for students to interact together as they learn the skills of various sports, or as they play cooperative or collaborative games.
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